A collection of 40 posts 09-15 Setting up Jenkins on Cloud with Junit and Jacoco integrated via Github 03-21 Moving from Windows 1809's OpenSSH to OpenSSH Portable 03-05 Modifying User-Agent based on Bot or Human for CloudFront via Lambda@Edge 02-13 Creating a Ubuntu Server as a guest OS on Hyper-V Host with Secure Boot via Powershell 01-21 Setting up an OpenVPN server to access censored content in China 12-15 Using Git via SSH on Windows 10 (1803) on Powershell 11-13 Modifying host headers with Azure websites when using it behind an Application Gateway or reverse proxy via URL Rewrite Module 06-20 Creating a self signed certificate for web development on IIS using powershell 05-02 Automate start/stop of NiceHash Miner 03-19 Checking for database deadlocks on Azure SQL 03-16 Finding and tailing IIS HTTP logs 03-14 Changing the Network Profile using Powershell 03-14 Creating a headless Windows Server 2016 VM for CI/CD using VSTS 03-13 Enabling Network Discovery and File and Printer sharing on Windows Server 03-12 Using Powershell's Invoke-WebRequest to persist state between requests using SessionVariable 03-12 Enabling Nested Virtualization on a VM hosted by Hyper-V 03-12 Easy way to share files within same network on Windows 10 03-09 Changing Docker for Windows' default storage directory for containers and images 03-06 Diagnosing 500 Internal Server Errors from IIS 03-05 Finding the WEBSITE_LOCALCACHE_READY environment variable for Azure Web Apps Local Cache feature? 03-04 Creating a new virtual switch after one has gone haywire 03-01 Using Live Update feature of Redis Desktop Manager 03-01 Connecting to a remote (Azure) Redis Console on Windows via Redis CLI 02-28 Useful Powershell commands 02-24 Useful Docker commands 01-03 View history of start and end execution times in Powershell 01-02 Copying firewall rules between two Azure SQL servers 12-14 Comparing Azure Automation with Azure Functions 12-11 Exporting all Azure Web App settings for every app on every resource group for both production and staging slots to CSV 11-27 VSTS find working directory inside a source alias 11-07 Jira configurations 11-03 Folder and volume mapping on Windows docker containers 11-03 Editing multiple lines on Sublime Text 3 11-01 VSTS - Visual Studio Team Services 10-28 Powershell equivalents for common networking commands 10-26 Making custom API requests via Postman's pre-request script feature 10-23 Adobe PDF setup 10-20 Replacing New Relic's .NET agent from running on Azure App Services 10-19 Adding extra files for MSBuild Deployment 10-19 Reliance on Google in China