A collection of 3 posts

Creating a headless Windows Server 2016 VM for CI/CD using VSTS

Setting up Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 Recently wanted to setup a Windows Server Core VM/image for portability. It's mainly used to build ASP.NET MVC web apps on the full .NET Framework which would then need to be deploy to Azure. Just documenting the steps I took along the way. # Download and install VS Build Tools Invoke-WebRequest https://aka.ms/vs/15/release/vs_buildtools.exe -OutFile vs_buildtools.exe ; Start-Process -FilePath 'vs_BuildTools.exe' -ArgumentList ` '--quiet', '--norestart', ...

VSTS find working directory inside a source alias

I wanted to run a custom exe (in my case it was called Warmsole.exe) file as part of my Release Definition using the "Command Line" VSTS task that came out of the box. This task required me to locate the path to the exe. Turns out it isn't a straight forward task as the artefacts are downloaded to a directory prefixed by a Artifact source alias (in my case was called my-build-definition). I have an artefact called ...

VSTS - Visual Studio Team Services

Setting up a new instance of VSTS Account level settings Region - Australia East Timezone - GMT+10 Users (adding Frank) Agent pools (adding 3 hosted VSTS agents) Security (adding to Frank to Project Collection Administrators) Billing (for adding VSTS agents which does the actual work) Active Directory (created automatically) Project level settings Adding a Azure ARM service endpoint (for Azure relation interactions) Adding a source code repository service endpoint (for Bitbucket) Add a depth of 3 for faster checkout ...