A collection of 4 posts

Changing the Network Profile using Powershell

Recently wanted to enable remote management of a server via powershell so that I could try out Project Honolulu for managing Windows Servers Make sure WinRM service is running and start up to automatic Get-Service winrm Enable Powershell Remoting Enable-PSRemoting -Force Ensure network profiles are ok # Show network profile > Get-NetConnectionProfile Name : Network InterfaceAlias : Ethernet InterfaceIndex : 2 NetworkCategory : Public IPv4Connectivity : Internet IPv6Connectivity : NoTraffic # Set network profile from Public to Private > Get-NetConnectionProfile | Set-NetConnectionProfile -NetworkCategory Private # Verify the update completed > ...

Creating a headless Windows Server 2016 VM for CI/CD using VSTS

Setting up Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 Recently wanted to setup a Windows Server Core VM/image for portability. It's mainly used to build ASP.NET MVC web apps on the full .NET Framework which would then need to be deploy to Azure. Just documenting the steps I took along the way. # Download and install VS Build Tools Invoke-WebRequest https://aka.ms/vs/15/release/vs_buildtools.exe -OutFile vs_buildtools.exe ; Start-Process -FilePath 'vs_BuildTools.exe' -ArgumentList ` '--quiet', '--norestart', ...

Enabling Network Discovery and File and Printer sharing on Windows Server

WARNING : This does not work Windows Server Core Some folk have been arriving to this post hoping to find a solution for Windows Server Core might need to look elsewhere. I've only tested this on Windows Server 2012. Service requirements We need to make sure the following services are running # Check status of services required for Network Discovery on Windows Get-Service -DisplayName "Function Discovery Resource Publication" Get-Service -DisplayName "DNS Client" Get-Service -DisplayName "SSDP Discovery" ...