Just sharing thoughts and things I've learnt everything from Powershell to Web to Docker and Cloud and anything in between.
General tools
Switching Windows with alt+
` on Win10 - Easy Window Switcher
Quick Look with spacebar
on Win10 - QuickLook
PDF Merge/Combine tool xplat - PDFSam
Cross plat and browser bookmark sync - xBrowserSync
Launcher and more on Win10 - PowerToys
Elevating privileges on Win10 - gsudo
Resizing windows easily on Win10 - Sizer
Recording gif - Gifcam get it from Chocolatey
Capture screen grabs on Windows - PicPick
Capture screen grabs on Linux - Flameshot
Invert mouse scrolls on MacOS - Scroll Reverser
Window management on MacOS - Rectangle
Keyboard Key Modifer - Karabiner Elements
Exploring processes on Windows - ProcessMonitor
Launching programs on Windows - Wox Install via chocolatey
Finding large files/directories - WinDirStat
Cloning disks - Macrium Reflect
Syncing folders - FreeFileSync
Disable Right Click context for WIN10 - ShellExView
Manage remote files - WinSCP
System restore for Linux - Timeshift
Email Client - Mailspring
Keyboard Key Map - Karabiner
Disk Space Analyzer- DaisyDisk
Dev tools
Create multiple boot drives - Ventoy
Creating bootable USB Drives - Etcher
Comparing text - Beyond Compare
General purpose file tool - Swiss File Knife
Removing lock file/folder - LockHunter
Themes for Cmder/Conemu - ConEmu-Color-Themes - Oceans16
Console Emulator - Deepin with the aci/dracula/evu/bim theme
Console Emulator - Tilix (with quake mode)
Tilix f10 key shortcut for quake mode - Tilix Drop Down
Web debugging proxy - Proxyman
Themes for terminal - Gogh-Co
SQL Client - TablePlus
SQl Client - DataGrip
Terminal - Tabby
Terminal - Termius
Networking tools
Scanning IP range - Angry IP Scanner
Visual Studio tools
Finding files - DPack
Attaching to IIS - Attach To All The Things
Visual Studio Code tools
Theme - 2077 theme
Theme - Monokai Dimmed or Winter is coming - Dark blue no italics
Git - Git Lens
Text Editor Addons
Insert numeric sequences to multi-cursor selections on Sublime Text- Text Pastry
Tab completion tools
Docker completion for Powershell 6 - DockerCompletion
Git completion for Powershell- Posh Git
Sublime Text
VS Code
MS Teams
Gnome Tweaks
Transparent top bar
Dash to dock
Smart Git
Beyond Compare
Virtual Box
Fav 1 - Link
Fav 2 - Link
Fav 3 - Link
Windows 10 Theme - Pride 2020