VSTS - Visual Studio Team Services
Setting up a new instance of VSTS
- Account level settings
- Region - Australia East
- Timezone - GMT+10
- Users (adding Frank)
- Agent pools (adding 3 hosted VSTS agents)
- Security (adding to Frank to Project Collection Administrators)
- Billing (for adding VSTS agents which does the actual work)
- Active Directory (created automatically)
- Project level settings
- Adding a Azure ARM service endpoint (for Azure relation interactions)
- Adding a source code repository service endpoint (for Bitbucket)
- Add a depth of 3 for faster checkout
- Project level variable sets
- Build level settings
- Use Bitbucket Service endpoint for "Get sources" process
- Triggers (on repo change?)
- Linking Project level variable groups to build definition
- Batch builds? "Batch changes while a build is in progress"
- Testing extensions?
- Release level settings
- Artefact retrieval conditions/triggers
- Pre-deployment conditions/triggers
Things to think about
- Build format? $(date:yyyyMMdd)$(rev:.r) ? or something else?
- Test plans? Machines?
- Retention?
- How to export release level settings? as json?
- Build numbers in hosting location
- Moving things over from Build to Release def to enable parallel execution of agents
Dumping all environment variables (Reference - Codewrecks )
$var = (gci env:*).GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name
$out = ""
Foreach ($v in $var) {$out = $out + "`t{0,-28} = {1,-28}`n" -f $v.Name, $v.Value}
write-output "dump variables on $env:BUILD_ARTIFACTSTAGINGDIRECTORY\test.md"
set-content $fileName $out
write-output "##vso[task.addattachment type=Distributedtask.Core.Summary;name=Environment Variables;]$fileName"
VSTS - Multi phase builds coming soon (Developing as at Sept 2017)
VSTS Extension - Variable Toolbox (for concatenating build variables)